Climate refugees: what can businesses do about it
Despite the yet existing claims that climate change doesn’t exist, its effects are increasingly being felt, and not just in terms of...
Cooperation in Sustainability, the safest bet
On a recent assignment, I was asked to identify British retailers’ trends as regards sustainable food and see whether these trends are...
How to successfully collaborate with corporates
Partnerships is one of the closest forms of collaboration which require real engagement from both corporates and charities. To succeed,...
Brexit: We have thought about relocation, what about staff?
A recent event I attended on the impact of Brexit on HR by Ernst & Young was quite an eye opening one. At the event, the panellists...
Commission publishes package on low-carbon economy
On 20th July, the European Commission published a package of measures aiming to accelerate Europe's transition to a low-carbon economy....
Brexit is now a fact, what's next for businesses?
Last Thursday, Britain voted to leave the EU. Whilst some saw the chance to reclaim sovereign powers from Brussels, others witnessed the...
News: Benefits to climate change understated in Commission’s circular economy
According to the environmental publication ENDS, the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging is claiming that the benefits to...
News: World Bank to increase climate change funding
On 7th April, the World Bank announced that it will spend 28% of its revenues on climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in...
News: CSR Consultation – have your say
The European Commission has published a consultation on methodology for reporting non-financial information with the aim to assist listed...
Circular Economy: When consumer behaviour can't be ignored
The European Commission recently published its long-awaited Circular Economy Action Plan, which focuses on reuse and recycling, the core...